Workshop Manual: The business case for carbon farming: improving your farm’s sustainability (January 2021)

3.3 … with numerous policy responses

The policy context and the price of ACCUs

The business case for carbon farming: improving your farm’s sustainability

Explore the full Workshop Manual: The business case for carbon farming: improving your farm’s sustainability (January 2021)

The scientific evidence accepted by most governments around the world, and as revealed in the IPCC reports, suggests that continued greenhouse gas emissions will lead to changes in the climate that are adverse to humans, and that will be costly.
Stabilising atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and ultimately reducing emissions could limit adverse climate changes (although this may take some time). Reducing emissions is costly and usually involves government coordination.
Most governments have responded to the need to stabilise emissions through policies designed to reduce emissions today or in the future. Various countries have a tailored mix of actions in place, varying from carbon pricing and market-based emissions trading schemes to renewable energy targets and feed-in tariffs for renewable energy:
  • Fifteen of Australia's top 20 trading partners have introduced renewable energy targets.
  • Many of Australia's top trading partners, including China, Japan, the United States, South Korea and Singapore have implemented or are piloting carbon trading and taxation schemes at the national, state or city level.
  • Major emitters have a range of demand-side measures in place, including appliance and building standards and energy efficiency schemes to reduce demand for emissions-intensive energy.
Table 3.1 lists some of the main policies and measures in place in selected countries to achieve their emissions reduction goals. Table 3.2 summarises the emissions goals of key countries.
  Table 3.1: Climate change policies and measures in selected countries (2014)
Carbon pricing (tax, emissions trading scheme)
Energy supply
Energy demand
Mandatory vehicle standards
Land-based activities, including agriculture and forests
Carbon pricing mechanism (under current legislation)
Renewable energy target
State-based feed-in tariffs for renewable energy
Appliance and building standards
State-based energy efficiency schemes
None. Has effective carbon pricing through differences in fuel tax credits for some transport
Carbon Farming Initiative
Pilot emissions trading schemes planned for seven provinces and cities. The first five began in 2013.
Plans to design a national emissions trading scheme or carbon tax
Renewable energy target
Feed-in tariff support for solar, wind and biomass power
Closure of inefficient small and medium-sized coal plants and industrial facilities
Appliance and building standards
Energy efficiency target
Industrial energy efficiency retrofits
Vehicle fuel efficiency standards
Vehicle emissions standards planned
National reforestation efforts to meet forest coverage target
United States
Sub-national emissions trading schemes in California and nine north-eastern states (the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative); planned in Washington and Oregon
Sub-national renewable energy targets
Financial incentives supporting renewable energy
Proposed national regulations limiting emissions from fossil fuel power plants
Appliance and building standards
Industrial energy efficiency assessments
Vehicle fuel efficiency standards
Vehicle emissions standards
Renewable fuel production incentives
Support for voluntary action to reduce emissions and increase carbon sequestration
European Union
(28 member states)
Emissions trading scheme
Renewable energy target and support for cogeneration—jointly generating heat and power
Feed-in tariffs for renewable energy
Appliance and building standards
Energy efficiency target
Vehicle emissions standards
Renewable fuel production incentives
EU strategy to improve soil management, including as a carbon sink
Land-sector management
Landfill emissions control
Small coal tax of about A$0.80 per tonne
Energy efficiency trading scheme for power sector
Renewable energy targets
Energy efficiency trading scheme for power sector
Vehicle fuel efficiency standards
Vehicle emissions standards pending
Energy efficiency initiatives for agricultural sector include providing subsidised pumps
Increasing forestry stock identified as one of 12 major objectives of India's low-carbon strategies under its Five Year Plan
Carbon tax on fossil fuels
Sub-national emissions trading schemes in Tokyo and Saitama; voluntary federal scheme
Renewable energy target
Feed-in tariffs for renewable energy
Energy efficiency standards and measures in residential, commercial and building sectors
Vehicle fuel efficiency standards
Tax incentives for purchase of lower emission vehicles 
Covered under Japan's domestic offsets scheme
Considering market-based mechanisms for emissions reduction in selected sectors
Renewable energy target
Tax exemptions for energy-efficient technologies
Energy intensity target
Vehicle emissions standards
Measures to reduce forest deforestation and degradation through regulations and market-based offsets
Sub-national cap-and-trade in Quebec
Sub-national taxes and duties on fossil fuels
Standards for coal-fired electricity generation from 2015
Renewable energy incentives
Remote renewable energy generation incentives
Appliance and building standards
Industry energy efficiency incentives
Vehicle emissions and standards and efficiency programs
Renewable fuel production incentives 
Sub-national offset mechanism in Alberta and Quebec
Republic of Korea
Emissions trading scheme to start in 2015
Renewable energy target
Appliance and building standards
Vehicle fuel efficiency and carbon emission standards
South Africa
Carbon tax to start in 2015
Renewable energy target
Tax incentives and feed-in tariffs for renewables
Energy efficiency demand-side management programs for residential, commercial and buildings
Tax incentive for energy efficiency
Vehicle emissions standards
Greenhouse gas emission tax for new vehicles
Focus on adaptation in agriculture
New Zealand
Emissions trading scheme
Stationary energy covered under the New Zealand emissions trading scheme
Appliance and building standards
Commercial and residential energy efficiency schemes
None. Liquid fuels covered under the New Zealand emissions trading scheme
Sustainable Land Management and Climate Work Program covers land management sectors
Part of EU emissions trading system
Broad-based domestic carbon tax
Renewable energy target
Support for cogeneration
Appliance and building standards
Energy efficiency target
Renewable fuel production incentives
Vehicle emissions standards

Source: Climate Change Authority - Targets and Progress Review FINAL REPORT, February 2014 / Appendix B Global action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 



  Table 3.2: Current Nationally Determined Contributions and Emissions Data
 Paris Agreement commitments (all commitments are to 2030 unless otherwise indicated)
 Paris target implied change in total emissions 2005-2030 (%)
Peak carbon dioxide emissions by around 2030, making best efforts to peak early; lower carbon intensity by 60 to 65 per cent compared with 2005
+76 to +101
United States
Reduce emissions by 26 to 28 per cent compared with 2005 levels by 2025
-35 to -39 
European Union
Reduce emissions by 40 per cent compared with 1990
Lower carbon intensity by 33 to 35 per cent compared with 2005 levels
+244 to +254
Reduce emissions by 29 per cent below BAU, or 41 per cent conditional on international support
Reduce emissions by 25 to 30 per cent below 1990 levels
+29 to +39
Reduce emissions by 37 per cent compared with 2005 levels by 2025; 43 per cent compared with 2005 levels by 2030
Reduce emissions by 26 per cent compared with 2013 levels
Reduce emissions by 30 per cent compared with 2005 levels
Reduce emissions by 22 per cent below BAU
Republic of Korea
Reduce emissions by 37 per cent below BAU
Reduce emissions by 26 to 28 per cent compared with 2005 levels
-26 to -28
New Zealand
Reduce emissions by 30 per cent compared with 2005 levels

Explore the full Workshop Manual: The business case for carbon farming: improving your farm’s sustainability (January 2021)

Read the report


1. Introduction: background to the business case

This chapter lays out the basic background and groundwork of the manual


1.1 Overview

Introduction: background to the business case


1.2 Being clear about the reasons for participating

Introduction: background to the business case


1.3 Key steps in a decision process

Introduction: background to the business case


1.4 Working through the business case for carbon farming

Introduction: background to the business case


1.5 Factors determining project economics

Introduction: background to the business case


1.6 Elements of the business case

Introduction: background to the business case


1.7 Building an economic case

Introduction: background to the business case


1.8 Important features of the business case

Introduction: background to the business case


1.9 The plan of this manual

Introduction: background to the business case


2. How carbon is farmed under the ERF

This chapter considers in detail the activities that constitute carbon farming


2.1 The scope of carbon farming under the ERF

How carbon is farmed under the ERF


2.2 Emissions avoidance activities

How carbon is farmed under the ERF


2.3 Sequestration activities

How carbon is farmed under the ERF


2.4 The negative list

How carbon is farmed under the ERF


2.5 Carbon farming under the Emissions Reduction Fund

How carbon is farmed under the ERF


2.6 Who's who in the CFI and the ERF

How carbon is farmed under the ERF


3. The policy context and the price of ACCUs

This chapter takes a broad look at the policy context for carbon farming


3.1 The policy context

The policy context and the price of ACCUs


3.2 A documented climate challenge…

The policy context and the price of ACCUs


3.3 … with numerous policy responses

The policy context and the price of ACCUs


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