Most Australian farmers will agree that technological advancements in agriculture are to be embraced, even if they present a challenge, and not shunned in favour of complacency.
As less rain falls in a drying climate, margins become tighter and returns become smaller, unless farmers adapt.
And Australian farmers are arguably better than anyone in the world at producing more with less.
Technology plays a vital role in the changing face of agriculture. It improves the efficiency of operations, it saves labour through automation of menial and repetitive tasks, and can reduce input costs through better targeted application of seed, chemicals and fertilisers.
Technology can help us capture more data of higher quality, and then report it back to us in real time. It can then help us interpret or visualise this data, helping our decision making processes, and then finally allowing us to implement these changes.
Now, with the development of artificial intelligence (AI), the decision-making process can also be automated.
Agritechnica 2019 was a showcase of the cutting edge in technology in agriculture and in this report, our research team runs through some of the highlights of this key biennial event.
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Kondinin Group's research team runs through the highlights of Agritechnica.