Near record summer crop forecast

ABARES is expecting the fourth largest summer crop on record for Australia.

Staff writer
 ABARES has estimated last season's winter crop at a record 61.9 million tonnes. Picture Mark Saunders.

ABARES has estimated last season's winter crop at a record 61.9 million tonnes. Picture Mark Saunders.

The summer crop outlook follows confirmation of a record winter crop of almost 62 million tonnes, according to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES).

ABARES says the summer crop prospects are favourable following good seasonal conditions during late spring and summer in Queensland and northern New South Wales.

Total summer crop production in Australia is forecast by ABARES to rise by 64 per cent in 2021-22 to 5.3 million tonnes, the fourth highest on record.

The area planted to summer crops is estimated to have increased by 48 per cent to around 1.5 million hectares, 35 per cent above the 10-year average to 2020-21.

Well above average rainfall between October 2021 and January this year is forecast to be beneficial for crop plantings and yields, despite record November rainfall causing inundation and loss of some early sown summer crops.

Production prospects are the highest in southern Queensland and northern New South Wales, where record yields and above average planted area is forecast.

With harvesting of winter crops this season now complete, the national winter crop production is estimated to be the highest on record, at 61.9 million tonnes.

Record production in Western Australia and near record production in New South Wales was recorded.

However widespread downgrades of wheat quality in New South Wales have been reported. An unprecedented amount of low protein and feed quality wheat from New South Wales is expected as a result.

ABARES added that the mice population in cropping regions has generally declined during summer. There have been no reports of significant damage to date.

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