WA insecticide guide now available

DPIRD has a new insecticide spraying guide for the autumn-winter period.

Staff writer
 DPIRD has the latest insecticide spraying guide now available. Photo courtesy Svetlana Micic (DPIRD).

DPIRD has the latest insecticide spraying guide now available. Photo courtesy Svetlana Micic (DPIRD).

Published by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), the spray guide lists the current registered chemicals and rates that can be applied to canola, cereals, lupins and other grain legume crops for controlling seedling insect pests. This includes foliar sprays and seed dressings.

The department updates its autumn/winter and winter/spring insecticide spray guides annually to help growers and consultants manage insect pests in crops and pasture.

DPIRD says the guides are exactly that - guides only - and growers still need to read chemical labels before use.

Not all insecticide trade names may be listed so growers should also check with their retailers for any other registered insecticide options.

If beneficial invertebrates are present in the paddocks growers should consider insecticide options that are soft on predator insects if spraying.

To download the spray guide and other useful insecticide information visit

For more insecticide information contact Amber Balfour-Cunningham, technical officer, Northam, WA, on (08) 9690 2137 or Dustin Severtson, research scientist, on (08) 9690 2160.

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