Farmer health body seeking committee members

Gear Up for Ag Health & Safety program seeking people for steering committee.

Mark Saunders
 The National Centre for Farmer Health is establishing a steering committee for an education program. Image courtesy NCFH.

The National Centre for Farmer Health is establishing a steering committee for an education program. Image courtesy NCFH.

The National Centre for Farmer Health (NCFH) is looking for Expressions of Interest from representatives Australia-wide with expertise in education and training, health, occupational safety, research, and primary industries.

The NCFH would like to establish a steering committee to identify gaps in farm safety education material, and co-design appropriate online education and teacher resources.

The NCFH provides leadership in improving the health, well-being and safety of farm men, women and families in rural communities, with education as one of its primary aims.

The Centre provides a range of unique education and training opportunities, including the Gear Up for Ag Health & Safety program to secondary school students—underlining the importance of farm safety to create a sustainable future for Australian agriculture.

The Gear Up for Ag program has been delivered in its current form since 2018. During this time, the Centre has identified a need for contemporary and contextually appropriate safety messaging and content, particularly focused on a teenager audience.

As part of the long-term strategic direction and sustainability of the Gear Up for Ag program, the NCFH, with support from Rural Bank, will be creating new interchangeable online farm safety education modules and teacher resources.

These will be designed to supplement and extend the face-to-face delivery of Gear Up for Ag, and complement the national agriculture education curriculum.

Successful applicants from the Expressions of Interest (EOI) will be appointed for a 12-month term and required to attend monthly meetings via Zoom between July-December 2022 and bi-monthly or as needed for the remaining period.

Some additional time may be required between meetings. EOI applications close on 26 June. For more details, visit:

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Kondinin team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Kondinin team.


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