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Horticulture Australia completes revamp

THE REVAMP of Australia's leading horticultural industry body is complete, after Horticulture Australia

08 October 2014


Innovation the name of the horticultural game

INNOVATION is driving Australian horticulturalists to adopt new processes, technologies and market opportunities

04 August 2014


Website to solve diversification dilemma

FARMERS dabbling in diversification have been presented with an online resource to help in exploring

11 July 2014


Unlocking the key to northern Australia's potential

FORTESCUE Metals Group chief Nev Power has turned up the heat on Australia's resources and agricultural

02 July 2014


Nitrogen management the focus at R&D forum

ONE of the most pressing agronomic issues facing grain growers in the southern cropping region will be

30 June 2014


Northern development summit as important as G20

AMID raising awareness about the forthcoming G20, Warren Entsch says the Northern Development Summit

23 June 2014


Horticulture Australia's replanting

LEADING industry body Horticulture Australia is set to undergo a massive revamp, after its members voted

23 June 2014


Food security key point at northern development summit

THE Northern Development Summit occurring June 26 to 28 in Queensland has officially opened its doors

09 June 2014


Utrisha N: The new biostimulant boosting broadacre yield potential

Extensive trials conducted across Australia show boosted yields in a wide range of


Maximise your nitrogen use efficiency

Losing nitrogen to the environment can be costly.


Safety first for the year ahead

Since 1870, Blundstone, have supported & protecting farmers across Australia from


Precise and Productive Seeding Equipment

The success of next year's harvest begins now, with strong preparation and planning.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Kondinin team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Kondinin team.


Research Report: Chaser Bins

Chaser bins play a vital role when it comes to on-farm grain logistics. The January Research Report features a comprehensive round up of the latest chaser bins of 30 tonnes-plus capacity.


Research Report: Succession Planning (December 2024)

This month's research report, compiled with the input of John White, Rural Generations, is a great resource for succession planning. A key message from the report is to start succession planning as soon as possible.


Research Report: Field Days Wrap (November 2024)

Kondinin Group's research team has the low down on the latest gear that was on show at various field days held around the country in the past few months.


Research Report: Trailing Sheep Feeders (October 2024)

Trailing sheep feeders are on the menu for Kondinin Group's October Research Report with nine popular models covered.