Flystrike vaccine looks promising

Most discussion of vaccines these days seems to relate to COVID-19, but in the CSIRO laboratories, work is progressing on another vaccine of great interest to sheep producers – the sheep blowfly vaccine.

 Researchers are making headway on developing a vaccine for flystrike prevention. Photo: CSIRO

Researchers are making headway on developing a vaccine for flystrike prevention. Photo: CSIRO

It's not time yet to change your fly management strategy to make way for a vaccine, but researchers are making headway and things look promising.

Dr Tony Vuocolo, who leads the CSIRO blowfly vaccine project as part of an Australian Wool Innovation (AWI)-funded $2.5 million initiative along with the University of Melbourne, is upbeat about results from antigen studies, but circumspect on the time frame for developing a farm-ready vaccine.

Read the full story in PDF here: Flystrike vaccine looks promising

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Farming Ahead team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Farming Ahead team.


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Research Report: Sheds (April 2024)

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