Soil advice available post bushfires

Soil Science Australia (SSA) has prepared a fact sheet on the likely impacts of bushfires on soils.

staff writer
 Soils can be severely damaged by bushfires. Image courtesy Soil Science Australia.

Soils can be severely damaged by bushfires. Image courtesy Soil Science Australia.

Millions of hectares of land have been burnt out by the recent bushfires and SSA has released a statement in response to the devastation caused by the fires.
Like many others, associate professor Luke Mosley, the federal president of SSA, described the bushfires as unprecedented in their scale and severity.
"On behalf of Soil Science Australia I extend our deepest sympathies to our members and all communities who have been affected - both directly and indirectly - by the fires across the country," Mosley said.
"Soil Science Australia is also committed to assisting recovery efforts where possible. Millions of hectares of land and soil have been severely damaged by the fires. Intense bushfires can have major deleterious effects on soil including loss of organic carbon and nutrients, increased erosion, and water repellency. Effects may last for decades or more post-fire. Wind and water erosion post-fires also can create major impacts on water supplies and ecosystems."
To assist landholders and organisations in post-fire recovery, SSA has prepared a fact sheet on the likely impacts of fires on soils and how to manage soils post fire. The fact sheet includes sources for more detailed information.
The fact sheet can be found here:



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